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Ceiling, roof: ceiling within heated residential and office unit not subject to a U-value requirement (BG1) – IBO benchmarks 2020
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mass 238,5 kg/m²
PENRT 947 MJ/m²
GWP total -34,0 kg CO2/m²
AP 0,324 kg SO2/m²
no. type layer d
1 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Zementestrich (Quarzolith Zementestrich E400) 6,00 1,520 0,04 13
2 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Trittschalldämmung (Isover Akustik EP2) (ISOVER Akustic EP 2) 3,00 0,034 0,88 14
3 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Rigips Ausgleichsschüttung lose oder zementgebunden (Lightweight concrete with expanded clay or slate chippings as light stone graining (600 kg/m³)) 6,00 0,180 0,33 9
4 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Rieselschutz (Sisalex™ 30) 0,01 0,180 0,00 ¹ 0
5 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Brettsperrholz BBS (5-lagig) (binderholz Brettsperrholz BBS (Fichte)) 15,00 0,120 1,25 24
6 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht schallentkoppelte U-Direktabhänger mit Rigips CD Profil / Mineralwolle (z. B. Isover Trennwand Filz) (ISOVER Trennwand-Klemmfilz TW-KF) 7,50 0,039 1,92 7
7 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Luftschichte (Vertical air layer, horizontal heat flow 15 < d <= 20 mm) 2,00 0,118 0,17 0
8 homogene Schichthomogene Schicht Rigips Feuerschutzplatte 1,25 0,250 0,05 2
additional materials (thermally not relevant): (quantity per m² building element)
0,1 kgSteel sheet, galvanised² 0
    building element 40,76   69

¹ layer is OI-relevant from BG1
² layer is OI-relevant from BG3