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Etex Building Performance GmbH
A-4021 Linz
Product groups: Gypsum plasterboards
Product photos:
Reference value: Gypsum plasterboard (700 kg/m³)
Criteria for certification, tendering and subsidies
List of Criteria 2020

The criteria is relevant and the product supports the fulfillment of the criterion.
The criteria is relevant and the product does not support the fulfillment of the criterion or there are no validation documents available.
Technical characteristics
Format l x w: 2.000 mm x 1.250 mm
2.000 mm x 625 mm
2.500 mm x 1.250 mm
2.600 mm x 1.250 mm
2.750 mm x 1.250 mm
3.000 mm x 1.250 mm
thickness: 1,25 cm
1,50 cm
Dimensions (description): Standardbreite 1250 mm; Standardlänge 2000 mm, Sonderlängen möglich
Physical parameters
Flammability class:
Smoke emission:
s1 = No/minimal smoke emission
Flaming droplets:
d0 = No falling / dripping
Panel type (gypsum wallboard):
Type A standard gypsum board
Processing properties
Installation (description): not specified

Additional products
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Background database Ecoinvent A1
A1-A3 Product stage
reference Unit
Core environmental impact indicators
GWP-fossil Global warming potential - fossil 0,213 kg CO2 Äq./kg
GWP-biogenic Global warming potential - biogenic -0,0320 kg CO2 Äq./kg
GWP-total Global warming potential - total 0,181 kg CO2 Äq./kg
ODP Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer 2,50·10-8 kg CFC-11 eq./kg
AP Acidification potential 0,000472 kg SO2 Äq./kg
EP Eutrophication potential 0,000205 kg PO43- eq./kg
POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential 5,71·10-5 kg C2H4 eq./kg
Indicators describing resource use
PERE Primary energy renewable - energy resources 0,203 MJ/kg
PERM Primary energy renewable - material 0,00 MJ/kg
PERT Primary energy renewable - total 0,203 MJ/kg
PENRE Primary energy non-renewable - energy resources 3,58 MJ/kg
PENRM Primary energy non-renewable - material 0,00 MJ/kg
PENRT Primary energy non-renewable - total 3,58 MJ/kg
Quelle: IBO benchmarks 2020, ab 17.2.2023
Ecological characteristics
SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern): The final product ready for sale does not contain any substance of very high concern (SVHC) of the candidate list with more than 0.1% by weight per individual substance.
Halogen-organic compounds: not specifiedw%
Production of raw materials
Service area
CE marking
CE marking: yes
IBO Ecolabel
PDF (188 KB)
valid until November 2028
Certificate no.: 06-4640
A. Pümpel GmbH & Co. KG.
A-6800 Feldkirch
Tschabrun Hermann GmbH
A-6830 Rankweil
baubook declaration
declared since: Oct 9, 2013
Amended: Dec 14, 2023
baubook product index: 8710 aq
baubook green procurement
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”
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