YTONG Verbundstein blau / PV 4-0,70
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Xella Porenbeton Österreich GmbH
A-3382 Loosdorf
Product groups: Aerated concrete masonry
Area of application (masonry):
  • Load-bearing external wall
  • Load-bearing internal wall
  • Non-load-bearing external wall
  • Non-load-bearing internal wall
  • Partition wall
Product photos:
Fossil raw materials: 0w%
Recycling materials: 1,9w%
Reference value: Aerated concrete (675 kg/m³)
Criteria for certification, tendering and subsidies
List of Criteria 2020

The criteria is relevant and the product supports the fulfillment of the criterion.
Technical characteristics
thickness: 20 cm
25 cm
Dimensions (description): Verbundstein blau 200 = 625 x 200 x 199 mm
Verbundstein blau 250 = 625 x 250 x 199 mm
Physical parameters
λdesign,mas thermal conductivity rated valueAUT: 0,174W/(m·K)
Methode for the determination of λ10,dry,unit:
ρ density: 662kg/m³
c specific heat capacity: 1000J/(kg·K)
μ Vapour diffusion resistance factor: 5
Compressive strength: 5N/mm²
Flammability class:
Smoke emission:
s1 = No/minimal smoke emission
Flaming droplets:
d0 = No falling / dripping
Processing properties
Installation (description): not specified

Additional products
Optional product: Dünnbettmörtel Ytong FIX N200
Dünnbettmörtel Ytong FIXwinter X102
Füllmörtel Ytong FIX R

Leichtmörtel Multipor FIX X702
Innenspachtel Ytong FINISH R300
Kalkglätte Multipor FINISH GP830
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Background database Ecoinvent A1
A1-A3 Product stage
reference Unit
Core environmental impact indicators
GWP-fossil Global warming potential - fossil 0,228 kg CO2 Äq./kg
GWP-biogenic Global warming potential - biogenic 0,00 kg CO2 Äq./kg
GWP-total Global warming potential - total 0,228 kg CO2 Äq./kg
ODP Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer 1,55·10-8 kg CFC-11 eq./kg
AP Acidification potential 0,000657 kg SO2 Äq./kg
EP Eutrophication potential 0,000273 kg PO43- eq./kg
POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential 7,24·10-5 kg C2H4 eq./kg
Indicators describing resource use
PERE Primary energy renewable - energy resources 0,172 MJ/kg
PERM Primary energy renewable - material 0,00 MJ/kg
PERT Primary energy renewable - total 0,172 MJ/kg
PENRE Primary energy non-renewable - energy resources 2,89 MJ/kg
PENRM Primary energy non-renewable - material 0,00 MJ/kg
PENRT Primary energy non-renewable - total 2,89 MJ/kg
Quelle: IBO benchmarks 2020, ab 17.2.2023
Other Environmental product declarations
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) - other:
valid until Nov 27, 2024
Ecological characteristics
SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern): The final product ready for sale does not contain any substance of very high concern (SVHC) of the candidate list
Production of raw materials
Service area
CE marking
CE marking: not specified
Technical data sheet:
Test report according to ÖNORM EN 1745::
issued on June 8, 2023
issued by: kiwa GmbH, MPA Berlin-Brandenburg
Other forms of proof: DOP 43000322_Ytong Block 5,0-662-0,162 (146 KB)
SDB_Ytong Porenbeton (1,10 MB)
baubook declaration
declared since: July 14, 2022
Amended: June 29, 2023
baubook product index: 3509 cp
baubook green procurement
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”