PUFAS pufamur Premium Spachtel S60 easy
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D-34346 Hann. Münden
Product groups: Gypsum fillers (internal)
Product photos:
Reference value: Filler - gypsum filler
Criteria for certification, tendering and subsidies
List of Criteria 2020

The criteria is relevant and the product supports the fulfillment of the criterion.
The criteria is relevant and the product does not support the fulfillment of the criterion or there are no validation documents available.
Technical characteristics
Physical parameters
Flammability class: not specified
Processing properties
Installation (description): not specified
Wet life from: 55min
Wet life until: 65min
Mixing ratio (water: powder): 60 : 100water: powder
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Background database Ecoinvent A1
A1-A3 Product stage
reference Unit
Core environmental impact indicators
GWP-fossil Global warming potential - fossil 0,163 kg CO2 Äq./kg
GWP-biogenic Global warming potential - biogenic -0,00500 kg CO2 Äq./kg
GWP-total Global warming potential - total 0,158 kg CO2 Äq./kg
ODP Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer 1,69·10-8 kg CFC-11 eq./kg
AP Acidification potential 0,000604 kg SO2 Äq./kg
EP Eutrophication potential 0,000273 kg PO43- eq./kg
POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential 5,51·10-5 kg C2H4 eq./kg
Indicators describing resource use
PERE Primary energy renewable - energy resources 0,193 MJ/kg
PERM Primary energy renewable - material 0,00 MJ/kg
PERT Primary energy renewable - total 0,193 MJ/kg
PENRE Primary energy non-renewable - energy resources 3,07 MJ/kg
PENRM Primary energy non-renewable - material 0,00 MJ/kg
PENRT Primary energy non-renewable - total 3,07 MJ/kg
Quelle: IBO benchmarks 2020, ab 17.2.2023
Ecological characteristics
SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern): The final product ready for sale does not contain any substance of very high concern (SVHC) of the candidate list with more than 0.1% by weight per individual substance.
VOC (g/l): not specifiedg/l
Softener: not specified
Halogen-organic compounds: not specifiedw%
Production of raw materials
Service area
CE marking
CE marking: not specified
GHS hazard statement, warnings, hazard classes
Water pollution class:
Technical data sheet:
issued on Apr 6, 2022
Safety data sheet:
issued on Nov 15, 2021
Other forms of proof: Leistungserklärung (87,3 KB)
baubook declaration
declared since: Aug 22, 2022
baubook product index: 9311 ae
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”
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