2. 2. 3. Ban of substances with greenhouse effects (especially in XPS, PUR/PIR)

description relevant product categories 


In the past, substances of the (H)CFC group were used as expanding agents in foam insulation materials made from XPS and PUR/PIR. After (H)CFC was prohibited under the Montreal Protocol (due to its damaging effects on the stratospheric ozone layer), manufacturers tended to use to HFCs, which are chemically similar, and, even though they do not damage the ozone layer, like (H)CFCs, are highly potent greenhouse gases (with GWP100 levels around 10³).


Even though the Austrian Regulation on HFC, FC and SF6 (Federal Collection of Statutes BGBl II 447/2002 as amended) prohibits the production and marketing of the majority of rigid foams with HFCs, a few exceptions apply:


HFKW-Verordnung 2002. Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich Nr. II 447/2002 über Verbote und Beschränkungen teilfluorierter und vollfluorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe sowie von Schwefelhexafluorid. Vienna, 10 December 2002.


minimum requirement

Products which consist entirely or partly of HFC-foamed plastics, or materials containing recycled (H)FC or (H)CFC materials, are inadmissible.


This applies at least to the following groups of products:


This restriction affects all (H)FC or (H)CFC with a GWP > 1 kg CO2-eq.


Products from recycled materials that may contain (H)FC or (H)CFC (e.g. PUR) are only admissible if it can be proved that any (H)FC and (H)CFC gases that the raw materials may emit in the course of processing are completely destroyed during the manufacturing process.

Supporting documents:
Manufacturer's confirmation, possibly confirmation by supplier of raw materials.

All products bearing one of the following organic labels meet these criteria:

Alternatively, the corresponding baubook declaration may serve as evidence (www.baubook.info/oea).


baubook green procurement
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”